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Shocking Truth: Only 10 Years LEFT to Save The World (Global Warming)

Let me start this big issue with this movie trailer "An Inconvenient Truth".

It is a film that will shock the viewers. Well, I'm not promoting it .. but to share the incoming danger we will be facing in years to come. I believe you must have watched "The Day After Tomorrow". If we still in the unknown state, doing nothing for the world, then there might NOT be a Tomorrow. Seriously, I'm not exaggerating.

Recently, I came across an article in News Straits Times newspaper. It said:

The world has just 10 years to reverse surging greenhouse gas emissions or risk runaway climate change that could make many parts of the planet uninhabitable.
The stark warning comes from scientists who are working on the final draft of a new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Thousands of scientists from around the world who have been studying changes in the world's climate and predicting how they might accelerate, have came out with a report. They conclude that unless mankind rapidly stabilises greenhouse gas emissions and start reducing them, it will have little chance of keeping global warming within manageable limits.

What is Global Warming ?

Global Warming : Scientific Explanation

Global Warming : Cartoon Explanation

What will happen if we do nothing about it?

The results could include:

From this ... to... this

In Europe, the summers could become unbearably hot, especially in southern countries such as Greece, Spain and Italy, while Britain and northern Europe would face summer droughts and wet, stormy winters.

Disasters : Floods and droughts around the world

The next 10 years are crucial! We have to achieve serious reductions in carbon emissions. After that time, the task becomes very much harder. Among the scientists' biggest fears is that rising temperatures and levels of greenhouse gases could soon overwhelm the natural systems that normally keep their levels in check.

About half the 24 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) generated by human activities each year are absorbed by forests and oceans - a process without which the world might already be several degrees warmer. 2005 is the warmest!

But as CO2 levels rise and soils dry, microbes can start breaking down accumulated organic matter, so forests become net producers of greenhouse gases. The sea's power to absorb CO2 also falls sharply as it warms.

The latest research suggests the threshold for such disastrous changes will come when CO2 levels reach 550 parts per million (ppm), roughly double their natural levels. This predicted to happen around 2040-50.

What is our situation right now?

Our Attitude is Exactly Like This Frog

The Current Condition & Action

At the moment, the real impact of emissions is buffered because CO2 is absorbed by natural systems. However, if we reach this threshold they could be magnified instead. Gosh...

Now, What Should We Do?

It means we must start the action needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the next few years. Dr Malte Meinshausen, a researcher at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany has used computer modelling to workout what might happen if greenhouse gas emissions were cut immediately, in 10 years time or later. The results showed that immediate action might allow mankind to hold CO2 levels at 450ppm - below the danger level.

However, Meinshausen and his colleagues recognise that this is unrealistic because the world's governments are in such disarray over global warming. They think it is impossible to achieve that level within 10 years with such disarray. The best hope, they say, is that a global plan will emerge in the next few years.

We have to make sure carbon emissions peak no later than 2015 and then fall at three percent a year.

If we let them keep rising after that date, it becomes much harder to bring them under control!

Are you ready to change the way you live?

Each of us is the cause of global warming, but we can make choices to change that. With the things we buy, the electricity we use, cars we drive, we can bring the Co2 to ZERO. The solution are in our hands. The climate crisis can be solved.

Here is how to start:

1) Reduce carbon emissions
2) Buy energy save appliances (lightbulbs)
3) Change your themorstat (and use clock thermostats) to reduce enery for heating and cooling
4) Weatherize your house, increase insulation, get an energy audit
5) Recycle
6) If you can, buy a hybrid car
7) When you can, walk or ride a bicycle
8) Where you can, use light rail and mass transit
9) Tell your parents not to ruin the world that you will live in
10) If you are a parent, join with your children to save the world they live in
11) Switch to renewable sources of energy
12) Call your power company to see if they offer green energy, if they don't, ask them why not
13) Plant trees, lots of trees
14) Speak up in your community
15) Call radio shows and write newspapers
16) Raise fuel economy standards; require lower emissions from automobiles
17) If you believe in prayer, pray that people will find the strength to change

In the words of the old Old African Proverb,
"When you pray, move your feet"

18) Encourage everyone you know to see this movie and post
19) Learn as much as you can about the climate crisis
20) Then put your knowledge into action

My Opinion:
If you love the planet, if you love your child... then do something about it. Do not take this lightly. It is an inconvenient truth and we really got to accept it.

Watch the video below. You see that pale blue dot. That's us! Everything that has ever happened in all of human history has happened on that pixel. All the triumph, all the tragedies, all the wars, all the major advances... it's our only hope. And that is what is at stake! Our ability to live on planet earth.. to have a future of civilization.....


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posted by Jason @ 5:24 PM,


At March 13, 2007 at 12:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a shock for everyone. We never notice that it is happening so rapidly. And we do nothing about it. This is a great post, Jason.

Great initiative to inform others around the world.

At March 22, 2007 at 7:33 PM, Blogger Mika Halpin said...

great Jason,
you've done somethin useful for our planet.

i want to share you another fact about our earth.
this come from an Fareed Zakaria's article in Newsweek Magazine, 19 Feb 2007. Title: Global Warming: Get Used to It

"Temperature has risen by 0.74 degrees Celcius over the past century (If that seems small, keep in mind that the difference in temperature between the ICE AGE and NOW is about 5 degrees C)"

At March 22, 2007 at 10:03 PM, Blogger Jason said...

Thanks, adrian.. and great to have u here mika to share as well. Guess both of us really aware about the current threat to the world. How I wish I can do more..

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